What is plasma melting?
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- Time of issue:2021-05-18 13:31
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(Summary description)What is plasma smelting? Plasma smelting is mainly based on the ultra-high temperature of plasma and can effectively control the atmosphere in the furnace according to different needs to realize the smelting of special metals or alloys.
What is plasma melting?
(Summary description)What is plasma smelting? Plasma smelting is mainly based on the ultra-high temperature of plasma and can effectively control the atmosphere in the furnace according to different needs to realize the smelting of special metals or alloys.
- Categories:Industry News
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- Time of issue:2021-05-18 13:31
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What is plasma smelting? Plasma smelting is mainly based on the ultra-high temperature of plasma and can effectively control the atmosphere in the furnace according to different needs to realize the smelting of special metals or alloys. Sometimes, a water-cooled crystallizer can be used to sequentially solidify metals or alloys to obtain ingots with high-quality crystalline structure.
The acquisition of plasma arc Plasma is the fourth state of substances other than solid, liquid and gaseous states. It is a mixture of electrons and ions distributed in neutral particle gas. And the concentration of positive charge and negative charge are equal. It has high electrical conductivity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Plasma is also affected by electric and magnetic fields. Low-temperature plasma is used in metallurgy, and the temperature is usually 5000-2000K. The plasma arc is obtained by using direct current or alternating current to discharge between two or more electrodes, and sometimes by high-frequency electric field discharge. The essence of gas ionization during discharge is an electron avalanche. This avalanche has the characteristics of a chain reaction, so the ionization speed is extremely fast. The plasma arc is a compressed arc with a higher degree of ionization than a free arc. When the arc formed by the gas discharge between the electrodes is compressed by the external airflow, the wall or the external magnetic field, the arc column becomes thinner, the temperature is higher, and the energy is highly concentrated, then a compressed arc is formed.
We can infer that the device that generates the above-mentioned plasma arc is called a plasma generator or a plasma gun. It can be divided into two types: metastatic and non-metastatic. The cathode of the former is installed in the plasma gun and the anode is the object to be heated, that is, the metal being smelted; the two electrodes of the latter are installed in the gun, and the gas introduced is ionized in the gun, generating an arc between the two poles, and from the gun A high-temperature plasma flame is ejected from the end. In addition, the power supply used by the plasma gun has DC, AC and AC/DC hybrid types.
At present, the main DC transfer arc plasma arc used in plasma melting equipment.
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