Chemical Applications

Chemical Applications

  • 分类:Applications
  • 发布时间:2021-07-20 16:11:26
  • 访问量:0
概要:The chemical properties of diamond are very stable, and it does not react with acid at high temperatures. There has been a lack of effective solutions for sewage treatment rich in refractory organic pollutants. The electrochemical method using boron-doped diamond (BDD) as the anode in the research has shown a good removal effect on various organic pollutants. More and more attention.
概要:The chemical properties of diamond are very stable, and it does not react with acid at high temperatures. There has been a lack of effective solutions for sewage treatment rich in refractory organic pollutants. The electrochemical method using boron-doped diamond (BDD) as the anode in the research has shown a good removal effect on various organic pollutants. More and more attention.

Electrochemical applications of diamond

The chemical properties of diamond are very stable, and it does not react with acid at high temperatures. There has been a lack of effective solutions for sewage treatment rich in refractory organic pollutants. The electrochemical method using boron-doped diamond (BDD) as the anode in the research has shown a good removal effect on various organic pollutants. More and more attention.